Labor Doula Packages



Labor Doula + Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting With Confidence Full Course

Ideal for parents who already have a strong postpartum support team. During your pregnancy your doula/educator will provide regular in home visits and deliver 18+ hours of up to date, detailed, personalized content to prepare you to be the best and the happiest parents you can be. Your doula will be on call from day one ready to give you in person pregnancy and labor support. After your birth 1 in home visit from your doula will provided in addition to an in home visit from an IBCLC to assist with breast/chestfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, formula feeding, and all of your infant feeding needs.



Labor Doula + Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting With Confidence Full Course + 40 Hours of in Home Postpartum Support

Ideal for all families. In addition to the services provided in package 1, you will also receive 40 hours of in home postpartum care to be used on your schedule for the first year after birth. Our goal is to work ourselves out of the job by setting you up for success from the very beginning of your parenting journey.



Labor Doula + Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting With Confidence Full Course + 40 Hours of in Home Postpartum Support + 20 Hours of Parent Coaching

For families who want to treat themselves and their children to the best experience possible. You’ll find yourself fully prepared with thorough , comprehensive prenatal care and “as you need it” parenting support for up to 3 years postpartum. In the first three years, children’s brains are growing and changing as fast as their bodies. Stay ahead of the curve by enlisting the help of an experienced professional to help you confidently meet your families needs.

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